Guest Posts & Link Placements

Last updated March 2020
Here’s what you need to know about becoming an Ecocentric Mom contributor.
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How to Contribute
For the most part, we welcome all people and businesses to contribute to ECM. That being said, please reach out and pitch us an idea or two!
Generally, our blog topics cover:
- Eco-friendly
- Organic
- Pregnancy
- Baby
- Toddler
- Self-Care
- Home
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Advertising Packages & Pricing
Guest Posts
- $125 per post
- Valid for 12 months
Link Placement
- $10 per link
- Links placed into existing content
- Valid for 3 months. 12 month commitment discounts available.
Top “10” List Product Promotion
- We reserve the right to place your product in the order we choose.
- Ranked items start at $200 per product/link. Please email for more pricing information based on hierarchy in list.
- Valid for 12 months
Newsletter Sponsor
- Goes out 1x per month
- $2,500 Monthly Sponsor
- 500 words and graphic
- Mailing List of 8k+
- Facebook: 6.9k Followers
- Instagram: 10.9k Followers
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Posts Must Be 100% Original to ECM
Any columns accepted for publication must be exclusive to Ecocentric Mom. Ecocentric Mom will fully own the content being provided. You will be notified with a link once the post goes live.
Posts should be 100% original. This means:
- No plagiarism! In the event you’re caught once passing off someone else’s work as your own, the article will be removed and you forfeit any money paid to post. There are no refunds.
- No self-plagiarism: Please don't “borrow” sentences from your own published content or from other company blog posts. If you’re using someone else’s words/thoughts, it must be properly credited.
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What to Write About
There are no limits to your creativity! Draw from your own experiences to come up with your own ideas and topics. Before you put too much time into an article, be sure to discuss the idea with us to make sure nothing else similar is being worked on.
The most successful articles tend to be:
- Lists (e.g., examples, tips, tools, tactics)
- How-to articles/guides
- Explainer posts (e.g., what is… / why x matters)
- Expert roundups
- Opinion posts/commentary/think-pieces
Feel free to provide actionable tips and practical advice.
Share your voice! This means you shouldn't rely heavily on quoting influencers, experts, or authorities from other sites/sources.
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Posts Must Be Pitch Free
You aren’t writing to sell a product or recommend a particular product or service, therefore no affiliate links are allowed in your post. Your article should share your expertise, information, insights, and ideas with our audience.
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If you have a relationship with someone or a company mentioned in your article, you must disclose it. Here are a few examples of disclosures:
- Citing original data/research from your company:
- “(Disclosure: I work for [insert company name here])”
- “My case study features Little Luminary, a client of mine.”
- “My business partner, Richelle Westfall, wrote the case study below.”
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Post Length
How long should your post be?
- Posts should be between 500 - 2,500 words.
- Discounts available based for longer posts, however if you want to write an article that is 3,000+ words, please speak to us first!
In reality, we prefer longer posts that can be dissected into 3 or 4 smaller targeted posts and internally link to the original post. Read up more about pillar content and why it's great for us and for you!
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SEO Best Practices
Your headline should be interesting enough to entice people to click on it and optimized for search and social media.
- Images are not required; we can provide the image if you do not have one.
- If you do provide an image:
- The ECM team reserves the right to replace or remove images they deem irrelevant to the post or has negative connotation without prior notice.
- All images must have proper attribution:
- Featured Image:
- In-Post Photo:
Add an excerpt (try to get 20 words) for every article. It can be similar to your meta description. This is the description that appears on the ECM website when it publishes. Typically, if your excerpt exceeds 20 words, it will end with a …
In-Article Links
We fully support you in using links to third-party authoritative sources. These links tell the reader that you are incorporating third-party perspectives and evidence in support of your argument.
Having said that, we are on the lookout for links that appear promotional. Our editorial team looks for links to clients, friends, or appear self-serving in some way. In some cases, the promotion may be unintentional, but it will still have the same effect.
- Do not link to people’s home pages or their companies for quotes or cited sources. However, linking to sources’ Twitter handles, LinkedIn profile, or another type of bio page is absolutely OK.
- No calls to action that are self-promotional (“Our new white paper covers ‘blah, blah topic’ in detail. Click here to download!”).
- Any links that appear promotional or superfluous will be removed
- We reserve the right to add rel=”nofollow” to any link or remove a link at any time, before or after an article is published.
- No links to websites in these areas: pills/RX, porn, gambling, and payday loans.
Buying, trading, or selling links is strictly prohibited.
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Formatting & Grammar Tips
- Write out single numbers “one..nine”. 10 and up are written as digits. Percentages are written as digits.
- It's 2020 for Pete’s sake: ONE space after punctuation. PLEASE.
- Example URLs (e.g. need to be plain text (not hyperlinked).
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Republishing Content Guidelines
In order to avoid duplicate content issues with Google, we permit content to be republished 14 days after publishing on ECM. You MUST use a canonical link.
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Editorial Review and Corrections
- We may add a disclaimer at the end of any article to disclose any relationships (or lack thereof) that either ECM or the author may have with organizations mentioned in the article.
- In the instance of corrections to byline, facts, or updates to published articles, ECM reserves the right to edit any post at any time. Post changes may be noted with a note from the editor about the change and the reasoning for the update or change, if applicable.
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Credit Given / Your Bio
All posts will be credited to Ecocentric Mom. If you would like your information as a contributor included in the article, please provide:
- Profile Photo – Use a head shot so people can clearly see your face.
- A short bio
- Links to your personal social profiles:
- Your company details:
- Your company
- Your position
- Your company’s URL