Benefits of an Organic Mattress
The average person spends 1/3 of their life sleeping. Assuming you live to 90, that means you spend 30 years asleep! While the benefits of sleep are well known, have you given any thought to how the materials in your bed can affect your health? Some moms often ask, “Do I need an organic mattress?” Organic […] -
The Ultimate Guide to Non Toxic Air Fresheners
Having a house that smells inviting is a weakness of mine. While some people get headaches from the mixture of aromas wafting through many popular candle stores, I feel like a kid in a candy store who can barely contain her excitement. Even when I pass by the air freshener aisle at the grocery store, I always […] -
Lather Up: Tips for Healthy Handwashing Habits
One of the most effective ways to keep your children healthy is to teach them the importance of frequent and regular handwashing, with some soap, water, and persistence. Some kids don’t cooperate as easily as others, but they will in time. Here are some easy tips to get them excited about lathering up: Make It […]