• 40 Wonderful Weeks: 1 Week Pregnant

    40 Wonderful Weeks: 1 Week Pregnant
      The nausea! The aches! The pains! Oh my! In addition to being one of nature's most amazing processes, being pregnant comes with a few unpleasant side effects. While each pregnancy is different, there are a few fundamental things that every woman will experience while she's creating the miracle of life. Not only are we going to talk about the symptoms that might come this week, but we're also going to take a look at what's happening with mom and baby's body, what mom can do to take care of herself, and what should be focused...
  • 4 Unexpected Pregnancy Complications

    4 Unexpected Pregnancy Complications
    The ongoing fallout from the COVID pandemic is expected to continue into 2021, and many states are being hit hard. The most obvious consequences of the pandemic are everywhere around us--schools and businesses are still closed down, large gatherings are still banned, holidays are being cut short, and many of us are stuck inside. The elderly, the obese, and those with diabetes and compromised immune systems are left to juggle their health problems alongside the grave risks posed by COVID-19. Pregnant women are another vulnerable population who have seen their unique health challenges complicated by the...
  • 5 Ways CBD is Transforming the Beauty Industry

    5 Ways CBD is Transforming the Beauty Industry
    Lipsticks and sunscreens probably aren’t the first things to come to mind when you think of “CBD.” But ever since the passage of the 2018 Hemp Farm Bill in the United States and the Cannabis Act in Canada, the budding CBD market has rooted itself across a diverse array of industries — which includes the $50 billion beauty industry. CBD is one of the main non-psychoactive cannabinoids found in hemp and cannabis plants. Its use comes with many of the same health benefits as its psychoactive counterpart, THC, without the traditional high associated with using cannabis. These...
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