• Benefits of an Organic Mattress

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    Benefits of an Organic Mattress
    The average person spends 1/3 of their life sleeping. Assuming you live to 90, that means you spend 30 years asleep! While the benefits of sleep are well known, have you given any thought to how the materials in your bed can affect your health? Some moms often ask, “Do I need an organic mattress?” Organic […]
  • Natural Support for Healing After A C-Section

    Natural Support for Healing After A C-Section
    Natural healing after a c-section is possible. Whether your c-section was elective or a necessary result of an emergency, recovery can be difficult. Most c-sections take two full weeks to heal, and sometimes longer depending on several factors related to the mother’s health and any complications. Thankfully, there is natural support for healing after a cesarean that can […]
  • Homemade Baby Food Recipes For The Tired Mom

    Homemade Baby Food Recipes For The Tired Mom
    For many health conscious moms, the transition to solids is bittersweet. The excitement of our babies beginning to try new foods and becoming “big kids” seems so sad! Where is my baby going?! However, the idea that we don’t know exactly what we are feeding them when giving processed baby food can be scary. […]
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