• How Yoga Brings You Closer to Your Baby

    How Yoga Brings You Closer to Your Baby
    Prenatal yoga can make pregnancy much less scary as the focus becomes more about the profound connection between mother and unborn child. Women in various stages of their pregnancy can do safe poses.  Meditation Creates Essential Stillness When you meditate, you are still. In today's on-the-go world, the only other time you’re perfectly still is when you're asleep.Yoga can help you still the mind so you can meditate and be still for longer. In meditation, you are more consciously aware of the life growing inside of you. Yoga and meditation can be a helpful way to connect...
  • Healthy Treats On-The-Go: Snack Hacks For Your Next Roadtrip

    Healthy Treats On-The-Go: Snack Hacks For Your Next Roadtrip
    It can sometimes be difficult to make healthy choices and eat all natural foods when we’re on the go. With sugar loaded, artificially colored convenience foods and snacks lurking around every corner, feeding yourself and your kids healthy treats and wholesome snacks can be tough! This is particularly true when traveling. Now that sunny days and […]
  • Benefits of an Organic Mattress

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    Benefits of an Organic Mattress
    The average person spends 1/3 of their life sleeping. Assuming you live to 90, that means you spend 30 years asleep! While the benefits of sleep are well known, have you given any thought to how the materials in your bed can affect your health? Some moms often ask, “Do I need an organic mattress?” Organic […]
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