Easy Ways to Conserve Water
Water isn’t quite the renewable resource some think it is. As a result, many cities across the country and around the globe are in a severe drought. Luckily, we can control how much water we use! Climate change and population growth are two major factors as to why lakes and rivers are experiencing more sudden decreases in water levels. By doing what we can to decrease our water usage, we can make sure there’s enough for people to drink, plants to survive, and for the planet to continuing thriving. Here are some easy ways to conserve water that you and your family can practice:
Easy Ways to Conserve Water
Don’t Put Trash Down the Garbage Disposal
When you pour toxic materials such as cleansers and medications down the drain, they’re eventually going to make their way into a body of water, only to be recycled into the drinking water system. If you want to get rid of harmful materials like paint and oil, you should call your local sanitation, public works, or environmental health department to learn more about hazardous-waste collection protocols.
Skip the Pre-Rinse Cycle on Your Dishwasher
Although you may like putting pre-rinsed dishes in the dishwasher, all that extra water is going to waste. You should scrape any excess food off the plate or bowl and into the trash, then let your dishwater do the cleaning.
Adjust Your Dishwasher Settings
If your dishwasher has this option, this will allow you to save water by switching it to eco water-saving mode. You may also want to consider turning off the dryer setting to save on household energy costs.
Purchase Energy-Efficient Appliances
This can help you reduce the amount of water you use to wash dishes and clothes. An energy-efficient washing machine can save as many as 18 gallons of water per load.
Take Shorter Showers
When you reduce your shower time to under five minutes, you can save up to 1,000 gallons of water!
Turn Off the Water While Brushing Your Teeth
You should also do this when washing your hands.
Don’t Throw Tissues in the Toilet
While it seems convenient to flush your tissues and feminine products down the toilet, throwing them away in the trash will save quite a bit of water over time.
Buy Concentrated Cleaning Products
They are made with less water and also require less packaging – and subsequently less energy – to be produced. Make sure your products are eco-friendly to avoid more waste production.
If You Have a Dog – Pick Up After The Mess
It’s probably not something that you’ve thought about, but the harmful bacteria found in your canine’s feces can actually wash into storm drains and get into the water system.
Support Forward Thinking Companies
Purchase products from companies that are reducing their water waste. For example, Ford committed to cutting back its water usage per vehicle up to 30% by 2015. Ford also wants to reduce their total global water use by 10 billion gallons.
What are your favorite ways to conserve water?