Keep your kiddo cool this summer: Geleeo Review & Giveaway
My daughter is a summer baby. From her earliest days, I remember being completely paranoid that she was sweating to death insider her little carrier when I’d go for a walk around the block (classic first time mom, I know). I’d peel her out of the carrier after a walk around the block and find her a ball of baby-sweat. Sad! Stressful! Flash forward to the following summer and her baby-carrier days were behind us but her sweaty-mess days were not. Poor thing would bake in the heat while on walks in her stroller or other long outings. By now I realized we weren’t in a life and death struggle with the summer heat, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to keep her as comfortable as possible. Despite my best efforts to keep her cool, using a sun shade didn’t seem to do the trick.
Now that I’m a seasoned mom of two years, I am finally figuring out a few tricks. I was recently introduced to a nifty new product called Geleeo. Geleeo is a self-cooling liner made for kids strollers! The product attaches to most strollers (i.e. those with removable straps so it doesn’t work with the BOB stroller or others that don’t meet that criteria) and contains a gel inside that cools your kiddo all over. It works right out of the box – there is no refrigeration or any other steps needed to make it work besides to just put it on the stroller.
I tried it out this past weekend when the temps (finally) soared and Ellie and I took a long walk around town. She was content and happy the whole time in her stroller …while my 7-months-pregnant-self was melting slowly behind her but that’s a problem for someone else to solve.
Cool, right? (Pun Intended!)
With summer right around the corner, it’s a great product for families who plan on spending a fair amount of time outdoors – outings to summer fairs, days by the pool, farmers markets, etc. would all be a bit easier if you had the peace of mind knowing your little one was cool as a cucumber.
Geleeo, has generously offered to give one of this cool product away (a $49.95 value) to some lucky mom (and baby!) in the Ecocentric Mom community. You can enter to win one below, or head to their website to buy one before the summer temps climb higher. You can use code ECOCENTRIC for 15% off until July 17th. Another bonus is that they offer free shipping to the Continental US.
a Rafflecopter giveaway