• Benefits of an Organic Mattress

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    Benefits of an Organic Mattress
    The average person spends 1/3 of their life sleeping. Assuming you live to 90, that means you spend 30 years asleep! While the benefits of sleep are well known, have you given any thought to how the materials in your bed can affect your health? Some moms often ask, “Do I need an organic mattress?” Organic […]
  • Safe Pain Relief Options for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

    Safe Pain Relief Options for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
    Remember the first OB visit when you initially found out you were pregnant? You likely faced an information overload from your clinician that was impossible to retain. The doctor often rattles off a long list of medications to avoid now that you’re expecting, which may have resembled a frazzled waitress listing off 15 different salad dressings.
  • 5 Ways For The Natural Minded Mom to Pamper Herself During Pregnancy

    5 Ways For The Natural Minded Mom to Pamper Herself During Pregnancy
    Nobody will argue that pregnancy is beautiful. After all, you’re growing another human inside of you! While some pregnant women have that amazing glow on the outside, they aren’t always feeling great on the inside. For starters, there is the morning sickness, heartburn, and stretch marks. Not to mention the need to pee every five minutes as your pregnancy […]
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