DIY Ultra Soothing Lip Balm
This do-it-yourself recipe for the ultimate in soothing lip balm was adapted from The Kitchn. It whips up so quickly and easily that you can customize flavors, scents, and even tints to your heart’s desire. Each of the ingredients is safe and natural, so you can rest assured you’re applying only the best to your body. For an extra dose of cute, check out your local craft store for miniature plastic or glass pots to use for containers.
DIY Ultra Soothing Lip Balm
What you’ll need:
4 tablespoons beeswax
4 tablespoons coconut oil
6 tablespoons avocado oil or jojoba oil
6 drops food grade peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil
Pint-sized mason jar* a double boiler will do too!
- Set a pot of water to boil on the stove. While it boils, add the first three ingredients to your mason jar. Place your jar in the center of the pot, being careful not to let any water in.
- Stir as the beeswax and oils begin to melt. Once completely melted, remove the jar from heat and turn off the burner.
- Drizzle in your essential oils and stir. Once cooled slightly, pour the mixture into your pots. Let cool, cover and gift away!
Tint it:
If you want to add a little color to your lip balm, keep it natural by calling on beautiful red beets for their ruby hue. Go easy on this one and pick up pre-made beet juice at your local grocer.
Or, if you’re ready to take on the juicing task yourself, gather together a fresh, uncooked beet, grater, and cheesecloth. There’s no need to peel your beet, just grate it over your cloth. Once you’ve grated the entire vegetable, squeeze your cheesecloth over a bowl or measuring cup.
Now that you have your beet juice, use up to a half-teaspoon to add color to your lip balm. Add the color after you mix in your essential oils. The more juice you stir in, the darker the hue. Note: As your balm cools, you may need to continue to stir to make sure the color is mixed well.
Want more easy DIY beauty projects? We have you covered! Check out our simple eye cream recipe and turmeric facial mask.