Donate, sell or swap: Lighten up around the home
Make the most of cabin fever this winter by encouraging your family to lighten their load around the home. Inspire your children to embrace a simpler lifestyle by cleaning out their closets and toy boxes and keeping only what they truly love. In the end, you’ll have a home cluttered by less unused stuff.
But don’t send those unwanted items to the landfill. Go green with your housecleaning and find ways to reduce, reuse and recycle every bit of what your family intends to let go. Here we bring you three ways to clean up around the home without filling up the trash can:
Donate it
When it comes to your kids’ closets, set aside any item they’ve outgrown, dislike or haven’t worn in a year. Items that are in good condition – meaning no stains, rips or fading – can be donated to a thrift store, homeless shelter or clothing drive.
Sell it
If you’re looking to make a bit of cash, check in with your local consignment store to inquire about reselling your or your children’s old clothing. Brand name items that are in mint condition will fetch the highest dollar, though it’s worth bringing in items without a big label name behind them too. If you’d like to appeal to a wider audience, try listing your items on the web at places such as eBay or Etsy.
Swap it
You know the old saying, “One man’s trash is another’s treasure?” Hosting a clothing swap certainly allows you to embrace it. Call up your best girlfriends and instruct them each to bring 10 clothing items in good condition. Put out a nice spread of appetizers, crank up the music and get the drinks flowing. Then, spend the evening trading your outgrown and unused duds for fresher items from a friend. You can also host a swapping party for baby toys or children’s clothing using the same basic principles.
Teaching your kids to hold onto only items that they truly love teaches them a valuable lesson about leading a simpler, greener life. While you clean out their rooms together, and make plans for where their unused items will go, talk to them about why it’s so important to avoid tossing everything in the trash. Have you ever encouraged your little ones to donate, sell or swap their old goods? How did it go? Tell us all about it in the comments below!