Earth Day Ideas for Eco Moms
Celebrating Earth Day is April 22nd, a day when more than a billion eco moms and mindful people will deepen a commitment to honor this beautiful planet. It is a time in the year when we take into consideration the many ways we practice eco living and work to simplify and practice living in connection with one another and in reverence for the earth. This place where we live is supporting us, and through tending to our homes, families, and communities, we make each day better for one another through the ways we live. We have gathered together a few Earth Day ideas for Eco Moms to make it all the more green, lively, and beautiful – and every day meaningful.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Simplifying and living clean is a daily practice that impacts all areas of life. The small steps we take to eliminate toxins bring immeasurable benefits to our bodies and families. Allow your lifestyle to be a consistent platform for shedding and gifting what is no longer useful to you, bringing forth good to enhance well-being for your family. On Earth Day this year, do a run through your home to see anything excessive that could be given away, and incorporate a vision for what needs to go regularly to create space for more life in your lifestyle, in addition to saving natural resources and money, reducing pollution and your carbon footprint.
Surround Yourself with Health & Happiness
Looking around and seeing what others are doing inspires us to do as well what is good, as long as we are surrounded by good healthy people and a peaceful environment. Work to cultivate wellness inside of your home and within your relationships to make being healthy accessible.
Make Being Healthy a Priority
People who live green and with respect for the planet not only think differently, they practice living well. Organize a hike or a healthy picnic with other healthy eco moms for Earth Day this year, or even try a family yoga class or to plant something new in your garden bearing fruit for the future to remind you of this beautiful place to call home.
Connect to the Earth
Earth Day and each day is a time to feel a connection with the earth by gardening or a walk in nature with a friend or the kids, or learning a new activity outdoors. Make time each day to nourish your roots with activities that are satisfying to your body and help to ground your spirit.
Organic Food
Eating clean is a way to balance the earth and the cultivate a connection with the earth and your own inner wellbeing. While life is hectic and there is always more to do, make organic foods accessible through having bowls of fruits and veggies in your refrigerator and on the counters to make eating well easier. Consider adding a garden or planting just a few herbs with the kids who will love digging in the earth and for yourself to bring a sense of calm to the body through the sense of touch and pleasure the earth bring along with reaping the benefits of your work through your food.
What are your plans and Earth Day ideas for this year? Are you up to try something new or a community activity? Please share experiences from this year or your plans, we would love to hear from you!
Celebrate Earth Day by renewing your eco-friendly lifestyle! See ideas to make each day cleaner and greener –
Posted by Ecocentric Mom on Wednesday, April 22, 2015