Simplify Your Life with a Daily Routine
Daily routines can be amazing for staying on top of life and in the flow. Having a firmly rooted schedule is not just for professionals, and moms benefit ad infinitum by staying grounded and being supported to free up time and space for life. We like to remember each day is new and the body is different, as well as our needs shift as we move through seasons of life. At the same time, a routine, for different areas of living can be like alchemy for the schedule. Think if you never knew what you were having for dinner, and come 5pm, were presented with a lot of food, none yet cooked, and a lot left to do for the day, while not knowing what time you or anyone’s bed time would be. Sounds chaotic, doesn’t it? We are exploring ways to increase health and happiness, through infusing life with routines to free up energy for an ever-improving life.
These are a few areas of life where a daily routine can be helpful:
- Beauty
- Sleep
- Upon Waking
- Money
- Fitness
- Mealplanning
- Eating Times
- Cleaning
Imagine if you went one week without taking care of the house at all and being presented with hosting guests, or wanting to come home to a clean nest. And then? Ground zero.
From there, we like to think along the lines of work now, play more later honoring the work that is continuous and the need for abundant life. Not only do routines help keep structure and order in tack, they also help keep the household grounded and thriving. Now for some, routines are not an option. Others, express it through how they live, such as Steve Jobs, who wore the same outfit on most days and saved worry thinking about what to wear. Think along the lines of the “streamline approach”, whereas cutting things out of your life that are not being worn, used, loved or supportive.
A few times of day routines may be useful:
1 Morning Routine
How you awaken and greet the morning sets the tone for the day, although there is always a moment to stamp on a restart. Decide what time your family will wake up, and pleasantly rise up to nicely welcome your loved ones to the day.
2 Afternoon Routine
Busyness continues throughout the day, in the afternoon energy becomes slightly more “yin” with less perhaps going on, yet more to do. It is a good time to take care of things rather than schedule meeting especially after lunch. Later in the day is a great time for meditation, to be in a more restful mode.
3 Bedtime Routine
Carve out time before bed for the basics, while adding in comfort time to help your kids feel safe and held (or held by a favorite stuffed animal) before surrendering into lala land. Be consistent with your kids and with your bedtime rituals too. Power down well before sleep.
4 Mealplanning + Shopping Routine
Are you a mealplanning devotee? Shopping less and planning more begets time to cook, clean up, relax, and overall feel more in control. Especially around food, if you know which components you need, and have extras on stock for the week, things just work better.
5 Cleaning
I recently implemented cleaning sections of the house on specific days. It works! First off to keep things in order and knowing which areas need focus. Then, if perchance one week one area is overlooked, you really notice. And from there, the value of a routine is palpable in how organized you may become by practicing a little bit each day tending to what is just right in front of you.
What routine helps your life function with more ease? We would love to know any home, health and life structures that save you time for adventures, picnics, date nights and relaxing with the family. Please share in the comments below!