Ingredients & Products That Might Double Your Breastmilk Supply
Breast milk has many benefits for your baby, especially since naturally occurring nutrients can’t be beaten. Breastfeeding is hard work, though! Many mamas find themselves struggling to keep up their milk production, but there is no reason to feel ashamed or inadequate about this. What is available to help? These six ingredients, known as galactagogues, can assist with increasing milk production, helping moms more easily meet their breastfeeding goals.
This ingredient is one of the strongest herbs that works for increasing milk production. Fenugreek is so powerful that is has been known to help mothers breastfeed adopted children, even though they did not physically give birth! Although Fenugreek is beneficial for breastfeeding, it’s not recommended to take during pregnancy. To achieve efficient results, it’s best used with consistency.
Red Raspberry Leaf
This ingredient can be found in many nursing teas. Not only does it help mothers with breast milk production, but it also assists with postpartum uterine recovery.
Goat’s Rue
This powerful herb stimulates milk production and enhances the flow of breastmilk. In fact, Goat’s Rue has been found to increase production of breastmilk by 50% in some cases, according to moms who have used it.
Discussed in several case studies, Vitex is thought to enhance the production of breastmilk because it helps balance hormones. This is particularly helpful for moms who suffer from hormonal imbalances such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).
Efficient for increasing milk production, fennel is a perfect option during nursing. Along with the benefits of enhancing your milk supply, you can also reap several other advantages with this herb. Here are just a few of the health benefits of fennel!
Typically used to achieve the balance of adrenals, borage is also used to enhance the flow of breastmilk. Although it’s not intended for long-term use, it can help give an initial boost in milk production.
3 Products That May Also Help Breastfeeding Moms
Breastfeeding can be tough. Between waking up several times a night and feeding on demand, it’s no wonder that many nursing moms feel overwhelmed. Give yourself some much needed credit for working so hard to feed your baby – you’re doing a great job! Thankfully, some products may help make your experience a little easier and less painful:
Mommy Soothing Nursing Balm by Shea Moisture – Many nursing moms find themselves with raw or sore nipples from breastfeeding. This product helps moisturize, soothe, and repair your skin.
Breast Pump – A breast pump allows you to express milk to be fed in a bottle so that you can get a break from feeds. See your lactation consultant or clinician for help with how often and for how long you should pump based on your specific nursing goals and lifestyle.
Mama’s More Milk Tea – Made with 100% organic herbs, this tea can give you a much needed milk boost.
As always, it’s critical that you seek advice and guidance from your physician and/or your baby’s pediatrician before beginning any new supplements or ingredients.
Do you know any other ingredients or products that work to stimulate milk production? If so, we would love to hear about them!